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The California priority financial aid deadline has been extended! All students in the state have until April 2, 2025, to complete their 2025-26 FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application.

Spring 2025 Disbursement Calendar

Financial aid will begin to disburse the first week of the semester.

Disbursement of funds generally occurs on Mondays throughout the semester. However there are exceptions. Please refer to the table below.

Funds will be posted to your student account, and will first pay any outstanding fees or institutional charges on your account at the time of disbursement. Unless you enroll in Direct Deposit, any remaining funds will be mailed to you in a refund check. Please use MySSU to access the Account Activity link in the Finances section of your Student Center to see if funds have been disbursed. You can access your Student Center via SSU Online Services.

Direct Deposit refunds generally appear in your bank account 5 business days after the "Date Posted." Refund checks are generally mailed 5 business days after the "Date Posted."

The link to enroll in Direct Deposit is found in the Finances section of your Student Center in MySSU. For more information and instructions, visit the Direct Deposit Student Refunds page on the Seawolf Service Center's website.

Please Note: The University cannot hold refund checks for pick-up.

It is very important that you use MySSU to keep your mailing address and permanent home address current. Complete instructions are found at the Office of the Registrar.

Any changes or updates to the disbursement calendars will be posted in the Things to Know section of our website.

Spring Disbursement Calendar
DateFAO Event
01/14/2025Initial Spring disbursement, 1st Global Wine EMBA, Wine EMBA (continuing, GWEMBA 4), 1st Wine EMBA (continuing, Cohort 12)
02/05/2025Disbursement and Presidential, Provost and Dean Scholarships disbursement
02/17/2025Disbursement and Pell for Credentials disbursement
05/12/2025Final Disbursement for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 (SSU must receive origination records for Direct Loans and TEACH Grants by 5/9/2025 in order for those funds to be disbursed)