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The California priority financial aid deadline has been extended! All students in the state have until April 2, 2025, to complete their 2025-26 FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application.

Renew Your Cal Grant

If you have already been awarded a Cal Grant, it will be renewed automatically if you continue to maintain financial aid eligibility and meet the basic requirements, which include meeting income and asset ceilings each year. You'll need to renew your FAFSA or California Dream Application, but you don’t need to submit another verified GPA.

You can monitor and manage your Cal Grant by setting up a WebGrants4Students account via the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) website. School changes, address changes, and leave of absence requests can all be made online. These changes can also be made using the Renewal Recipient Change Form which may be downloaded from CSAC's website.

Cal Grant TCP: Cal Grant A and B recipients who plan to enroll in a teaching credential program (TCP) may be eligible to renew their Cal Grant award for an additional year. The additional year of payment is provided to students who are seeking an initial teaching credential and cannot be used for graduate level courses of study.