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The California priority financial aid deadline has been extended! All students in the state have until April 2, 2025, to complete their 2025-26 FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application.

Summer Financial Aid

Financial Aid Requests for Summer Session

If you received financial aid at SSU for Fall 2024 and/or Spring 2025, you may be eligible for a Pell Grant, State University Grant (SUG) and/or a Direct Loan for enrollment in SSU’s Summer Session. To be considered for summer financial aid you must be enrolled in classes. Please visit the School of Extended and International Education's Summer Session webpage for more information regarding enrollment.

Pell Grant

If you received a Pell Grant in the current academic year, you may also qualify for a Pell Grant for units enrolled during the Summer Session.  Please keep in mind that you may exhaust your Lifetime Eligibility for the Pell Grant sooner by using it to pay for summer charges.  More information on Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility can be found on the Department of Education's website at Federal Student Aid.

State University Grant (SUG)

If you received a State University Grant (SUG) in Fall 2024 and/or Spring 2025, you might qualify for additional SUG for units enrolled during the Summer term. We will notify you of your Summer SUG award by email to your SSU email account. More information about SUG can be found on the Grants page of our website. For the Summer term only, a student enrolled in less than half-time could still be eligible for SUG as long as the other requirements are met. The amount of the SUG generally equals the tuition fee charged.

Pell and State University Grant Disbursements

Pell Grant

Pell Grant disbursements are determined by the number of units a student is enrolled in at the time of disbursement. If you are enrolled in a future summer session that has not started yet, your Pell Grant will increase based on your enrollment level at the start of that future session. More information on Pell Grant adjustments can be found on the Enrollment page of our website.

Please note students cannot receive more than 150% of Pell Grant in an academic year. Once you reach this total, any additional enrollment will not increase your Pell Grant eligibility.

State University Grant (SUG)

The State University Grant will disburse in full prior to your first registered Summer session. If you drop a class after your SUG has been disbursed, your SUG award will be adjusted. Credit balances as a result of a class being dropped or a change in units will not be refunded until your SUG has been adjusted to reflect the correct tuition fee. 

Professional Program Fee Grant

Awarded to eligible students who are California residents, pay the Professional Program Fee, and have an SAI that does not exceed 60% of the standard cost of attendance for students in the state-supported MBA program. Funds are limited and priority is given to students with the lowest SAI and a FAFSA application date prior to the start of the summer semester. Grants will be awarded in the first part of May, but funds will not disburse to your student account until August 1.  If enrollment changes between May and August, the grant amount may be adjusted accordingly. 

Students enrolled in an MBA program through Extended Education are not eligible for the Professional Program Grant, because Extended Education course fees do not include the Professional Program Fee.

Direct Loans or PLUS (Parent) Loans for Students Taking Six (6) or More Units in Summer Session

If you did not borrow your entire 2024-2025 maximum Direct Loan eligibility during Fall 2024 and/or Spring 2025, you may request the remaining portion for enrollment in six (6) or more units during Summer. If your parent was eligible for the PLUS (Parent) Loan for 2024-2025, they may request additional PLUS Loan funds for your enrollment in six (6) or more units during Summer. 

Parents who wish to borrow a Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) for Summer 2025 will use the Apply for a Parent PLUS Loan page at

Students are eligible to be paid the full amount of the federal loans (including PLUS) if they are enrolled in at least 6 units.  At least one session must be in progress to be paid.

How to Request Financial Aid for Summer Session

Pell and State University Grant recipients enrolled in at least one class will automatically be evaluated for remaining 2024-2025 Pell Grant and SUG eligibility.

Students enrolled in six (6) or more units that want to use their remaining Direct Student Loan must email or call 707-664-2389 for a 2024-25 Summer Financial Aid Request form.