Dream Act - How to Apply
The Application Process is Free
Applying for state-funded financial aid is free. If you are not sure whether the California Dream Application is the correct application for you to complete, see our Dream Act - Who Is Eligible page.
California Dream Application and Deadline
- October 1 through March 2 – Cal Grant and CSU Priority Application Period
You can complete the California Dream Application on the CA Dream Act website starting October 1 of every year for the upcoming academic year you will be attending. Be sure to complete the application no later than March 2.
New applicants for Cal Grant must file their California Dream Application and the California Student Aid Commission’s (CSAC’s) GPA Verification form prior to March 2 to be considered for a Cal Grant A or B. Contact your high school or community college to find out how to obtain GPA verification for CSAC.
All applicants for the Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) must file their California Dream Application prior to March 2.
If you cannot complete the California Dream Application online, a paper version is available from the CA Dream Act website.
SSU Scholarship Program Application and Deadline
- February 1 — SSU Scholarship Application Deadline
Please refer to the SSU Scholarship Office website for forms and information.
SSU’s Federal School Code
In order for CSAC to send your California Dream Application results to SSU, you must include our Federal School Code on your application. SSU’s Federal School Code is: 001156.
Parent Signature on the California Dream Application
Only one parent's signature will be required on the CADAA. There are two options for how parents can electronically sign the CADAA:
- If a parent is with the student while completing the CADAA, they will be able to sign at the moment by selecting a checkbox agreeing to the accuracy of the information they provided.
- If a parent is unable to provide a signature at the time that the student is applying, they can sign at a later time by either (1) having the student log back into their application and selecting the appropriate box or (2) via the external parent signature page.
Both signature options are quick and easy! Please note that the CADAA will not be processed if a parent signature is missing.
Keep in mind every time a California Dream Application is submitted, or a correction is made, you must sign your application. For dependent students, parent and student signatures are required.
After You Apply
Once the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) receives your application, your information will be sent to all schools you listed on your CA Dream Application.
After initial successful submission of your application, CSAC will email you with your nine-digit Dream I.D. number. If you do not receive an email from CSAC, be sure to check your spam/junk mail folders. Keep your Dream I.D. number in a safe place because you will use it to log back into the Dream Application, when you correct errors on the Dream Application, or when you talk to CSAC or your school. Be sure to review the Confirmation Page within your application to alert you to error codes that need correction.
See the Timeline section of our Dream Act - Aid Process page for information on when to expect to hear from SSU regarding your CA Dream Application.
Remember to Apply Every Year
Each year you must renew your California Dream Application for the upcoming school year. Renew your California Dream Application beginning October 1 of each year at the CA Dream Act website.
Remember, the Middle Class Scholarship deadline and CSU Priority Deadline is March 2.
The SSU Scholarship Application is generally available in November prior to the February 1 deadline. Please refer to the SSU Scholarship Office website for forms and information.